Class War Federation

Content by or about the UK anarchist group, the Class War Federation - founded in 1983.

Class War issue 4 1984
Class War issue 4 1984
We have our own idea of time and motion
The notorious "autonomist" issue, including: class and class antagonism, socialism and its leftovers, press cuttings on shoplifting etc.
Cut out "Thatcher" horror mask
Including: working class community, royal & celebrity scandal, sexism and sexual assault, racism, Orange Order, Frickley miners fight back, etc.
Is this the real Queen?
Including: Queen's cousin Katherine Bowes-Lyon, Tory corruption, brothel madam Cynthia Payne, homophobia in The Sun, AIDs hysteria, strikes and…
Bash The Rich - a huge boot stamps on a Rolls Royce
Including: classroom warfare, Sheiffield Asian Youth Movement on racist violence, against alternative lifestyles, ecology, Bash The Rich…
A meat cleaver descends on Margaret Thatcher's blood head.
Including: CND = Wankers, miners in court, sex and anarchism, porn, crime, Edinburgh stop the city report, Bash The Rich march in Kensington…
One from the girls: we won't rest till the guts of the last social worker has been used to strangle the last probation officer
An issue by Class War women, including: royal family, sex work, sexism and racism, working class women in feminist groups, social services, etc.
The Rich Get Richer... The Poor Get Poorer;
Including: Sunday People vs Class War, squatting, police vs miners strike, Class War collective, animal liberation, etc.
MacGregor is KO'ed
Published May 1984. Including: Stop The City, miners strike, women in mining communities, forthcoming actions.
Huntsman: You fucking scumbag we're gonna get you
Published February 1984. Including: Class War spring offensive, Stop The City, Class War Macho?, animal liberation, Class War vs Freedom, etc.
Now is the time for every dirty lousy tramp to arm himself with a revolver or a knife and lie in wait outside the palaces of the rich and shoot or stab them to death as they come out
Published 24 June 1983 and including: Thatcher re-elected: five more years of this shit?, Red Action, Crass and pacifist punk, Northern Ireland, rioting tips, etc.
"We must devastate the avenues where the wealthy live!" Lucy Parsons
The debut issue of Class War, published 29th April 1983. Including: class, nuclear war vs class war, trade unions and Labour - beyond the bullshit, Yosser (Hughes) is a tosser, lots of…